Bilotserkivka municipality in Poltava oblast is setting up shelters for displaced persons with the support of U-LEAD



Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Bilotserkivka municipality in Poltava oblast has accepted more than a thousand internally displaced persons. This is the seventh part of its total population. Local residents, entrepreneurs and U-LEAD with Europe helped the local authorities cope with such an influx of people. Now more than 700 IDPs live in the municipality on a permanent basis. All of them have successfully integrated and are working for a common future, said Ivan Leshchenko, head of Bilotserkivka village.

“Our municipality consists of 29 settlements. Compared to other hromadas, it is quite small – the population amounts to about 6 thousand people. But with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the number of people increased – from the first days of March, people began to arrive to us from regions affected by active hostilities. In total, we managed to receive more than a thousand people from different parts of the country, 770 of them stayed in the municipality», said Mr Leshchenko.

According to him, the first days of March were difficult for the hromada: there was a lack of basic hygiene items, food products and a clear understanding of the future strategy. Municipality residents and businessmen helped the local government with food, and representatives of U-LEAD with Europe supported with the strategy and action plan.

"Since February 24, U-LEAD with Europe has once again come to assist our municipality – initially with relevant training, advice on how to work during this period, and later, material assistance supplemented advisory support. In particular, we received the "Shelter" aid kit aimed at improving the living conditions of temporarily displaced persons," adds the village head.

In order to improve the living conditions of temporarily displaced persons, Bilotserkivka municipality received a "Shelter" aid kit from U-LEAD with Europe, which includes a tent, camping beds, sleeping bags, blankets, a water tank, a generator, basic and hygiene kits for IDPs.

Due to this help, the municipality set up a mobile tent city, which actually turned into a transit hub for displaced persons. People can stay there for a few days, rest and decide on their further plans.

At the same time, IDPs who decide to stay in Bilotserkivka municipality are provided with job opportunities at the local enterprises or as self-employed specialists to work for the benefit of the hromada.

"Area specialists – seamstresses, hairdressers, massage therapists – settled in some villages of our municipality. We gave them the opportunity to work, provide their services to local residents and earn money. And everyone is satisfied and ready to stay in our hromada," says Ivan Leshchenko.

He also added that municipality leadership does not abandon the plans announced before February 24. Even during the war, the hromada does everything possible to bring the construction of the industrial park closer and increase the housing stock.

"Today our municipality is functioning, working and, I am sure, will continue to work. It is clear that the war deprives us of many chances and opportunities, restrains our plans, which we wanted to implement already this year. But we will certainly accomplish them, we just need to postpone them now," Mr. Leshchenko assures.


war stories social services war


Полтавська область


Білоцерківська територіальна громада


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