The first modular town in Kyiv region opened in Borodianka

On June 1, Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland, together with Oleksii Chernyshov, Minister of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, opened the first modular town for internally displaced persons in the village of Borodianka in the Kyiv region, as reported by the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development.

“Right now, municipalities need such modules to accommodate people whose homes have been destroyed by the enemy. Of course, this option is temporary. The Ministry of Communities and Territories Development is currently actively working on medium- and long-term options for solving housing needs and restoring damaged housing stock in the occupied territories,” sad Oleksii Chernyshov.

The head of the Ministry noted that Borodianka was the first settlement in Kyiv region where a modular town was established was as it suffered catastrophic losses: 552 private houses and 24 apartment buildings, 2 schools and 2 administrative buildings were partially or completely destroyed here.

This is why the modular town will temporarily accommodate 352 people, including women, children and the elderly, who were left homeless after the occupation.

According to Oleksii Chernyshov, this type of facilities fully meets the climate conditions and requirements and is comfortable for temporary accommodation of people at any time of the year.

“The next towns are to be set up in Bucha, Makariv, Ivankiv and Hostomel of the Kyiv region, as well as in the suburbs of Chernihiv,” the Minister said.

The Minister also thanked international partners and friends, including the Government of Poland that, in such a difficult time for Ukraine, provide support to our refugees and join the efforts to accommodate IDPs in Ukraine.

The modular town consists of 4 monoblocks of 40 modules each. It has residential and sanitary modules (toilet/shower), laundry room, canteen, playground and administrative modules. The town has lighting and heating and is fully furnished. Just like the previous ones established in Lviv, this town was donated by the Government of Poland free of charge, including delivery, assembly and furnishing.


01.06.2022 - 15:05 | Views: 4274
The first modular town in Kyiv region opened in Borodianka

Attached images:


social services international support Oleksii Chernyshov


Київська область


Бородянська територіальна громада



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