Dobrovelychkivka municipality received a “Lighting” technical assistance kit from U-LEAD

Ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply was an important issue for the medical and social institutions of the Dobrovelychkivka municipality in Kirovohrad oblast. That's why diesel generators and a lighting pole, which the municipality received from U-LEAD, will come in handy in case there is no light.

- We received from our partners a “Lighting” kit of technical assistance, which has already been handed over to our utility enterprises. This equipment will help to support the work of the institutions and medical devices in case of emergencies, - said Valentyna Saakyan, Deputy Mayor of Dobrovelychkivka.

1,029 refugees, including 283 children, have already found shelter in Dobrovelychkivka municipality. Since the beginning of the war, more than 1,500 internally displaced people have passed through its settlements.

According to Valentyna Saakyan, special facilities are being set up in the hromada for those who come to seek temporary shelter. But when they started looking for the necessary things, they realized that there was a lack of blankets, cot beds and other things. That is why the “Shelter” kit, which the municipality should receive from U-LEAD, will help to arrange beds and will provide an opportunity to make supplies of drinking water. The kit also includes generators.

In addition to Dobrovelychkivka municipality, 19 more hromadas of Kirovohrad oblast will receive emergency support from U-LEAD.

- Municipalities in our region work in the rear, help the armed forces, territorial defense and displaced persons. But not every municipality can provide itself with the necessary equipment and things. That is why U-LEAD has purchased and delivers emergency aid kits to the Ukrainian hromadas. The “Shelter” and “Lighting” kits will provide municipalities with the necessary tools to arrange shelter for internally displaced persons and ensure electric power supply in public facilities, said Oleh Yaremenko, Head of the Regional Office of U-LEAD with Europe in Kirovohrad oblast.


social services international support


Кіровоградська область


Добровеличківська територіальна громада


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