Mayors of 30 European cities have come out for Ukraine

During the conference by the Association of European Cities at the European Commission (EUROCITIES) mayors of Milan, Paris, Leipzig, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Barcelona, Warsaw and other cities expressed their deep respect and admiration of Ukrainians’ heroism. European partners also claimed their being ready to assist in rebuilding the infrastructure, being destroyed by the russian army.

"Today I have communicated with mayors of almost 30 cities, members of the Association of European Cities at the European Commission. The conference involved Dario Nardella, mayor of Florence who is the president of EUROCITIES, mayors of Oslo, Milan, Paris, Leipzig, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Barcelona, Brussels, Toulouse, Tallinn, Wien, Warsaw and other cities, helping Ukrainian migrants, collecting and delivering humanitarian aid, medicines, essential goods to our country. All mayors emphasized the political support of Ukraine and its struggle for its independence and freedom. Conference participants expressed their deep respect and admiration of Ukrainians’ courage and heroism. European colleagues underlined that they would continue helping Kyiv and Ukraine. They also claimed their being ready to assist in rebuilding the infrastructure, being destroyed by the russian army. I am sure that we will win and rebuild our cities and our country!", - said Vitalii Klychko, Kyiv mayor, the head of the Association of Ukrainian Cities.

17.03.2022 - 19:22 | Views: 3670

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