Three years of Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine: Statement by Congress President

The President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Marc Cools, has made the following statement.

“24 February 2025 marks three years since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, in blatant defiance of international law and the core values on which the member States of the Council of Europe are founded.

“The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities has strongly condemned this war of aggression and has been standing united with Ukrainian citizens and their elected leaders, who continue to demonstrate extraordinary courage and resilience in defending their country against the aggressor State.

“Today, I reiterate our unwavering commitment to the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. I also reiterate our call on European cities and regions to continue providing large-scale financial, security and humanitarian assistance to their Ukrainian counterparts, including through possible direct partnerships, and to support the key role of Ukraine’s municipalities and regions in their country’s recovery and reconstruction.

“I call on all European states to continue and step up their support for Ukraine, particularly in terms of arms deliveries. There can be no just and lasting peace if Ukraine does not have the means to defend itself.

“The war has had dramatic long-term repercussions on territorial communities in Ukraine, and I pay special tribute to the crucial role that local and regional authorities in Ukraine have been playing in addressing the disastrous humanitarian consequences faced by their citizens, and the cohesion and support they have shown one another. 

“The atrocities and war crimes committed by Russian forces in Ukraine over the past three years have only strengthened our resolve to seek justice for victims and to hold the Russian Federation accountable. In this regard, the Congress fully supports the Council of Europe’s efforts for an effective and comprehensive accountability and compensation system which prevents impunity and protects victims’ rights. The Russian Federation must end its unjustified and unprovoked war against Ukraine and withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine.

“Today, we reaffirm our solidarity with Ukraine and her legitimate demands for a just peace based on respect of international law and territorial integrity.”

For information on the Council of Europe’s and its Congress’ action in Ukraine, see the report of the Council of Europe’s Secretary General.


international support war


Council of Europe Office in Ukraine

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