Municipality police officers have started working in Ternopil and adjacent villages

On February, 1, 2022, the project «Municipality police officer» started functioning in Ternopil, initiated by the National Police of Ukraine with support by the Embassy of the USA to Ukraine and ICITAP.

So, National Police officers will work on the territory of the Ternopil city municipality to ensure residents’ security and protect order in the municipality.

To ensure proper functioning of police officers in Ternopil, a police station has been equipped and a new car has been purchased, funded by the municipality budget. Another car for a police officer has been bought by the National police.

«Ternopil was keen to join the Municipality Police Officer project. As a municipality police officer will live and work on the Ternopil municipality territory, cooperation between local authorities, residents and the police is important to improve the security space of the municipality, - said Ternopil mayor Serhiy Nadal.


safety police


Тернопільська область


Тернопільська територіальна громада


Тернопільська міська рада

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