The institute of starostas is an important issue of the public services being available and accessible.
Decentralisation has finally changed the local self-government philosophy in Ukraine.
For a long time, the soviet pattern of a strict vertical framework, based on «orders from the top», has been testifying to an alleged management, however, it has turned out to be absolutely powerless. The idea of excessive power centralization has brought discredit upon itself, causing management chaos we had to live in.
So, it is not a surprise that the decentralization reform, offering radical changes in the state administration, has caught on. The term «municipality» has settled even at the mundane level, whereas the idea of new consolidated districts has proven to be efficient. Municipalities have obtained more responsibility, powers and financial resources. A systematic process of public services package transfer to the local level has started. According to Oleksiy Chernyshov, the Minister of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, an important role in the public services being available and accessible belongs to the starosta institute.
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