It is of no less importance to normalize and divide powers of local state administrations than to establish capable municipalities. Both the public authorities and local self-government must be interested in that.
It was claimed by deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda during the press conference “Legislative basis of the public authority territorial organization reform in Ukraine”.
«In fact, local state administration functions have already changed, capable municipalities having been established and wider authorities having been transferred to them. But these bodies continue working under the old legislation. It is inefficient and causes misunderstanding locally and does not exclude Local State Administrations’ interference in the activity of local self-government bodies. So, the necessity of the new law on local state administrations is obvious. We expect the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to consider the bill (№4298) in the second reading and as a whole next week. It is supported by all line all-Ukrainian associations as they understand how normalization of Local State Administrations activity is important for local self-government bodies», - said Vyacheslav Nehoda.
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