What is important for hromadas to know to dispose of land efficiently: notes from the U-LEAD with Europe online-forum
Thanks to the land resources management efficiency improvement territorial hromadas will experience an increase in the local budgets incomings and an opportunity to fund the infrastructure development.
It was highlighted at the online-forum «Land resources management: new challenges and opportunities» within a series of discussions «Hard talk in hromadas», organized by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
In law №711 On Amending some Regulations on Planning Land Usage, to come into force on July, 24, an important issue is a concept of a hromada integrated development. Before developing a complex plan of territorial hromadas spatial development, it is necessary to have been working over the concept for up to half a year, which demands team work, and it is worth starting in July», - claimed Oleksandr Hnitetskyi, a spatial planning expert.

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