Government aid for ASC network development: the Ministry of Digital Transformation has established the Facility Selection Commission

Local self-government bodies as well as military and civil administrations have already submitted 115 petitions on getting a subvention to the Ministry of Digital Transformation. For the project selection to be transparent and unbiased, the Ministry of Digital Transformation has established the Commission to select facilities to be funded due to a subvention from the state budget, aimed at ASC network development.

“An ASC is a key point for citizens to get access to services and to cooperate with the state. That is why the Ministry of Digital Transformation is providing funding for ASCs for the first time in the amount of UAH 231 million due to a subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the purpose of ASC network development. The funds will be targeted to purchasing goods, paying for ASC construction and/or equipment works and services”, — emphasized Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation Lyudmyla Rabchynska.

20.04.2021 - 09:50 | Views: 5386

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Administrative services


Міністерство цифрової трансформації

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