Over 100 hromadas will participate in a pilot scheme of monitoring and assessing service quality

The USAID DOBRE Programme has a pilot scheme, aimed at developing the system of hromada efficiency assessment, within which a survey was conducted. On February, 23 the first meeting of the coordinating group took place, presenting the outcomes of the hromada survey on efficiency assessment and agreeing the following steps in developing the system. Considering a high motivation rate during the survey, the Coordinating group decided to admit all the willing hromadas to the pilot scheme.

The survey was underway from February, 2 till February, 11, 2021, among all hromadas of Ukraine. Totally, 124 applicants were accepted by the USAID DOBRE Programme. 111 hromadas from 23 regions of Ukraine (except for the Vinnytsya region) wanted to participate in the pilot scheme, as well as three oblast centres: Dnipro, Lviv and Poltava.

25.02.2021 - 08:35 | Views: 6570
Over 100 hromadas will participate in a pilot scheme of monitoring and assessing service quality


otsinka efektyvnosti hromad spromozhnist


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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