The U-LEAD with Europe Programme continues to help ASCs to stay safe during quarantine

104 more Administrative Service Centres (ASCs) in the hromadas received the marking and safety sets to help hromadas ensure quarantine regulations for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic provided by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme funded by the EU and its Member States Germany, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Estonia and Slovenia.

Overall, the Programme contributed to organisation of safe ASC space for personnel and visitors during quarantine in 364 hromadas across Ukraine, which participate in the first, second and third rounds of the Programme. Two previous deliveries of the sets were conducted in 2020.

“Access to public services in a modern, digital and transparent way is crucial for the quality of life in hromadas. At the same time, the environment of the Administrative Service Centers must be safe, and in times of COVID-19 this is more important than ever. That is why I am proud that the EU-funded U-LEAD Programme has been helping to ensure relevant standards in these institutions so important for citizen’s life. With this tranche over 100 more ASCs have benefited from this assistance receiving proper safety sets”, said Xavier Camus, head of the Good Governance and Rule of Law section at the EU Delegation to Ukraine.

Every set includes a large protective screen for ASCs reception desk, individual protective screens for the staff, stickers to mark safe distance in waiting and visitor reception areas, and stickers reminding to put on a face mask when entering the facility and to thoroughly wash hands in the restroom. The set was designed based on international experience as well as government and expert recommendations for service centres on how to ease the quarantine:

“ASC is a service-providing institution that every resident of the hromada can visit. In the current circumstances we are eager to support the hromadas to create and maintain a comfortable and safe environment for provision of services and consultations. Therefore, to support our partner hromadas that are in the final stages of establishing their well-functioning ASCs, we now disburse these kits to help them organise a safe space in the centres. We continue to work on the establishment and modernisation of the ASCs in more than 500 hromadas throughout Ukraine and hope that these tools will help both the staff and visitors to provide and receive services more safely during the pandemic”, stated Susanna Dellans, Sida Programme Director of U-LEAD with Europe.

The full list of hromadas that received the sets is available here.

Video on how to use the set:



15.02.2021 - 11:08 | Views: 5376

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Administrative services koronavirus


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