A co- working for ceramists has been opened in Myrhorod

In December of 2020 the Myrhorod Ceramics Centre craftsmen co-working was opened on the territory of Gogol Arts and Industry College in Myrhorod It is a space, aimed at uniting ceramists-beginners and experienced art pottery producers for joint work, experience exchange and produce sale. The co-working was initiated by the Myrhorod Ceramics Centre public union and supported by the PROMIS international technical aid and the Myrhorod town council. The workshop will not only provide Myrhorod craftsmen with high quality facilities and resources but will also become an important impetus for a new wave of the traditional folk craft of pottery and ceramics development in the town.

With support by the PROMIS Project quality up-to-date equipment was bought for the co-working.  Arts and Industry College students can undertake an internship here, using the new equipment free of charge. One of the main tasks of the co-working establishment is to teach the craft and entrepreneurship to all those willing to produce ceramics professionally.

Attached images:


tourism culture


Полтавська область


Миргородська територіальна громада



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