How the organic business youth cluster of the Baranivka hromada has changed the hromada and the whole state. A story about a creatively different initiative worth 700 thousand Euros

For three years a team of experts from the Civic Society Institute, town council representatives, public activists and local business have been implementing a set of creatively different development ideas, aimed at influencing the state standard change, at the Baranivka hromada.

Within the decentralization a lot of both large and small hromadas have been funded by various donors. Thanks to that, they have fulfilled dozens of thousands of projects, having changed the local residents’ faith forever. The organic business youth cluster of the Baranivka hromada, having been fulfilled for three years by the Civic Society Institute team in cooperation with the Baranivka town council and local business – the Galex-Agro private enterprise, has changed the faith of the whole country. The project participants told about it during the final conference.


youth education business international support A.Tkachuk article


Житомирська область


Баранівська територіальна громада


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