One pace away from decentralised Ukraine – an open dialogue between the Government and the local self-government has taken place

Law №1009 (bill 3651-d) having come into force, approximately within three weeks the Government, local state administrations, local self-government bodies of the newly-formed hromadas and rayons have to make a lot of decisions, making it possible to start a new phase of the country development – with services, resources and the power being as close to people as possible – in hromadas.

It was emphasized during an open dialogue between the Government and the local self-government « Up-to-date European Government for Ukraine!».

«The law stipulates harmonizing the functioning of state authorities and local self-government bodies due to the new rayons formation. We mean the legal succession in terms of property, rights and liabilities of the liquidated rayon councils, as well as many other related aspects», — underlined the Prime-Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.


zakonoproekty obhovorennia V.Nehoda Denys Shmyhal Oleksii Chernyshov


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