The outcomes of the local self-government and territorial power arrangement reform, having been going on in Ukraine since 2014, have confirmed its importance for development of each hromada and the country as a whole. Thus, for the changes to continue, in the 2 forthcoming months it is worth passing the bills and decisions, allowing new hromadas and rayons to efficiently work within a new decentralized system from next year. To be sure of decentralisation having been completed, it is necessary to adopt and implement the appropriate Constitutional amendments. It was highlighted during the online-meeting of the Decentralisation and Regional Development (Block: Decentralisation) sectoral working group, involving international partners, people’s deputies and government members.
«The main task for next year is to complete decentralization and make it work to capacity. For it, it is necessary for all the participants – the Government, the Parliament, local self-government representatives and international partners to make efforts. The cooperation, available among us now, allows us to expect a successful result», - claimed Oleksiy Chernyshov, the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during the event.
Attached images:
V.Nehoda Vitalii Bezghin Oleksii Chernyshov
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