The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the state power organisation, local self-government, regional and urban development has responded to the address by the Central Election Commission and the MinRegion concerning the elections to rayon councils to be held on October, 25, 2020.
The Committee clarified that the Central Election Commission has grounds and is authorized to appoint elections to rayon councils of the newly formed rayons.
In particular, the clarification runs as follows: «…On July, 17, 2020 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed Resolution № 807-ІХ On Rayons Formation and Liquidation, clause 1 of which formed 136 new rayons in Ukraine. For the purpose of ensuring 2020 local elections being held on the new territorial basis clause 5 of the above mentioned Resolution has been authorized to ensure polling districts formation and local elections conducting, taking into consideration the rayons, formed under the Resolution.
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