Constitutional Amendments: most of the issues have been agreed. The bill will be presented within a few weeks, - Fedir Venislavskyi

In a few weeks the Commission on Legal Reform will complete working over the Bill On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, Aimed at Enshrining the Reformed Local Self-Government System, Power Territorial Arrangement and Authoritative Powers Decentralisation.

It was highlighted by Fedir Venislavskyi, a people’s deputy of Ukraine, Presidential Representative to the Constitutional Court, during the meeting of the Donor Board on Decentralisation in Ukraine.

"For some months the future amendments to the Fundamental Law of Ukraine have been discussed with all those concerned, including the local self-government associations and expert environment. The future law is commonly understood. Three issues have been not agreed yet: whether local self-government bodies are necessary at the povit level; if the local head has to be in charge of the council executive committee and preside at the council sessions; whether cities can have the povit status. Most discussion participants adhere to the opinion that local self-government is not necessary at the rayon level but there is no final agreed stance yet. As for the second issue, the majority adheres to the opinion that the head must be in charge of the executive committee and preside at the sessions, otherwise the head stance will be weak which is not worth doing. As for the third issue, the discussion is still going on, - informed Fedir Venislavskyi. – The rest of the issues have already been agreed".

23.06.2020 - 18:30 | Views: 15224
Constitutional Amendments: most of the issues have been agreed. The bill will be presented within a few weeks, - Fedir Venislavskyi


Constitution Konstytutsiia obhovorennia


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