How outpatient clinics are built and equipped in the countryside – MinRegion’s data

MinRegion, as the main manager of subventions for the development of the healthcare system in rural areas, monitors weekly the state of construction of rural outpatient clinics (with photo fixation), purchase of cars and telemedicine equipment.

according to the Ministry, as of 18 November, UAH 5.2 billion of subvention was allocated for a total amount of UAH 6 billion.

The funds allocated will go to finance:

  • 640 projects for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of outpatient clinics (UAH 3.9 billion);
  • purchase of 1695 cars (592 cars for the outpatient clinics under construction and 1103 for the existing ones) worth UAH 846.0 million;
  • purchase of 3825 sets of telemedicine equipment for 3126 outpatient clinics for the amount of UAH 359.8 thousand.

135 outpatient clinics already built (88 received declarations and 49 prepare documentation).

Another 325 outpatient clinics have fully completed external works (grids, roofs) and are laying engineering and telecommunications networks.

Almost 100 outpatient clinics have their interior and exterior renovations completed.

За кошти субвенції закупили вже 749 автомобілів (515 – для амбулаторій, що будуються, та 234 – для існуючих амбулаторій).

749 vehicles have already been purchased for subvention funds (515 for the outpatient clinics in construction and 234 for existing ones).

542 sets of telemedicine equipment (in most oblasts, tenders close in November and the rest of equipment will be bought) have been purchased.

In October 2019, amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2019” stipulated that the subvention would be saved in the accounts of the respective local budgets to cover the respective expenditures in 2020, taking into account their purpose.

Therefore, there is reason to expect the effective and targeted use of all UAH 6 billion of subvention next year.

20.11.2019 - 15:43 | Views: 8736
How outpatient clinics are built and equipped in the countryside – MinRegion’s data





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