Modern ASC started working in Krasnopilska AH

On 19 November, the Administrative Service Centre was officially opened in the Krasnopilska rural amalgamated hromada of the Vinnytsia Oblast.

According to the leadership of the village council, as soon as the AH was formed, the hromada started preparing the premises for the ASC and applied for participation in a project supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery.

The Krasnopilska hromada has 4,300 people, so at the beginning of the ASC establishment, it did not meet Programme selection criteria, since the project involved AHs with a population of 5,000. Therefore, the AH started repair works on its own, and when the hromada was visited by the U-LEAD representatives, they immediately agreed to help, since, in fact, Krasnopilka created a "transparent office" premises according to all modern requirements.

Hromada representatives – future ASC employees, attended a series of training sessions in administrative service delivery, held at the Vinnytsia LGDC, participated in a study tour to Ivano-Frankivsk organised by the Programme, and attended several training sessions.

“7 workplaces have been equipped in our ASC, including a remote one. The U-LEAD with Europe Programme provided the premises with computer hardware, appliances and furniture. With the AH help, we purchased a workstation for the issuance of foreign passports and ID cards, which is a service that we can provide to residents of the hromada and neighbouring settlements, since Cherkasy Oblast is located nearby and certain villages are closer to us than to oblast or rayon centes. In addition, the services of state registration of property rights, natural persons and legal entities, social services are provided, as well as the services of the Pension Fund and the Employment Centre. The hromada has entered into an agreement on cooperation with the State Migration Service in Vinnytsia Oblast, and plans to provide legal assistance services to the AH residents,” said Oksana Shynder, state registrar of the ASC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

20.11.2019 - 10:07 | Views: 13276
Modern ASC started working in Krasnopilska AH

Attached images:


Administrative services


Вінницька область


Краснопільська територіальна громада


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