The Trostyanetska settlement AH of the Vinnytsia Oblast was established in 2018, it has more than 8.5 thousand inhabitants and consists of two settlements – Trostyanets urban-type settlement and the village of Demidivka. The first successes and prospects for development were discussed at the Trostyanetska AH during an information meeting on communication and dialogue, held with support of the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
One of the most ambitious projects implemented by the AH is a joint initiative to improve the public space of the hromada – the area with the fountain and the central square and park of the Trostyanets settlement. Lyudmyla Chervonetska, head of the Trostyanetska AH, told a story of the revival of the square and the park zone and shared the secrets of success.
“When the issue of landscaping was raised in the hromada, the settlement council surveyed local educational institutions, held public discussions and made a joint decision to build a fountain. This is how the works began,” says Lyudmyla Chervonetska.
“Within a few days, schoolchildren, educators, deputies of the settlement council, members of the executive committee and hroamda residents joined the landscaping initiative. Residents of the settlement wanted further changes, namely to reconstruct the central square, park and coastal zone. Going back to recent history, in 2016, the central square of the settlement was the parking place for trucks with demolished asphalt pavement, as well as 50 year-old monuments. The park area was also flooded with surface water, filled with reeds, while people walked the trodden path through it. On the initiative of the settlement council, a public opinion poll was conducted by the NGOs of the settlement regarding the need for reconstruction of these recreation facilities. And we got the result – people wished to have a space where they could rest with their families, walk with baby carts, sit on benches, make beautiful photo sessions – this is a part of everyone's life,” says Lyudmyla Chervonetska.
The head of the Trostyanetska AH managed to engage well-known Vinnytsia architect Vitaliy Plyasovytsia, who created a project sketch of the central square and park area. During the construction, complex hydraulic works were carried out, the soil for high-quality landscape design was investigated, 1000 rare plants were planted – trees, shrubs, flowers that became decoration of the park. The hromada united around the idea.
“Flowers, trees, paths, flower beds are good, but the park does not live without people. Therefore, the infrastructure of the complex includes recreation areas, children's playgrounds, skate park, workout area, well room, mini-lakes, fountains, cozy arbors, sculptures and many other attractions. We continue to arrange the territory, since the area is large. Another 50 trees have been planted this year, and the plans include an open-air summer theater with stage and appropriate acoustics, picnic areas, catamarans, trampoline for children,” explains the AH head.
According to Lyudmyla Chervonetska, in general, the construction of the park cost UAH 10.5 million. “We wrote projects for the revival of the park complex in the Trostyanetska AH. We received funding from the Oblast Environmental Fund – UAH 2.5 million – twice. Then we submitted socio-economic development projects,” the hromada leader informed.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Вінницька областьГромади:
Тростянецька територіальна громадаSource:
Вінницький Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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