On 25 September, experts of the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils (UAROR) presented a draft map of new rayons of the region to the Odesa Oblast local authorities of.
If approved, 4 rayons can be formed in the region: the Odesa (1533.3 thousand), Izmail (279.3 thousand), Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi (281.3 thousand) and Podilskyi (285 thousand) ones.
According to UAROR expert Oleksandr Danylenko, the rayons were worked out on the basis of the methodology and proposals provided to the Association.
At the same time, he noted that it is not necessary to speculate that new rayon centres will be located too far, as almost all administrative services will be provided in hromadas.
According to the results of the discussion, the experts of the Association will work out a draft law on changing and defining the boundaries of the rayons of the Odesa Oblast and submit it to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
rayon Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils
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