The Kostyantynivska AH (already former Hornostayivka Rayon) is located about 150 km from the oblast centre. There are no large industrial sites on the AH territory, except for Bratolyubivka Elevator (a branch of the State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine). But there is a lot of fertile land and one of the “arms” of the Kakhovka Canal (central irrigation and principal supply canal of southern Ukraine). Therefore, the land is the main budget filler.
The Kostyanstynivska AH unites four village councils with 9 settlements. Although the population is small (as of 01.01.2018 there are 3890 hromada residents), the total area is 2598.19 square kilometres.
The hromada has one hub secondary educational institution, two institutions of general secondary education, two pre-school institutions, two educational complexes, therapeutic department No 2 of the Hornostayivka first aid and emergency medical service, two outpatient clinics and six rural health posts.
Realising that hromada’s well-being depends directly on business development, Oleksiy Kilderov, head of the AH, at the beginning of his tenure established close interaction with the farms. As a result, in 2019, the AH budget doubled – over UAH 19 million, while in 2017 it was just over UAH 9 million.
Due to the received subvention from the state budget for the formation of the AH, special equipment was purchased for the “Prolisok” utility firm for UAH 2.1 million, namely an excavator-loader, a tractor, a trailer, a grapple, a branch shredder, a mower and a small bucket.
And this year, as part of the USAID Agriculture and Rural Development Support Programme, they plan to purchase a seeder, a water tank, a cultivator and a baler, which will allow the AH to provide local entrepreneurs with basic support in their farming activities.
The Kostyantynivska AH also participates in the “E-Solutions for Hromadas” project, implemented by the Centre for Innovations Development with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. As a result, in the near future, the AH will receive IT tools for effective management, which will solve the problem of accessibility and provision of administrative services to hromada residents, improving the investment climate and attracting investment.
This project is also a good basis for the establishment and operation of the ASC in the future. By the way, the premises selected for the administrative centre, are already in full repair swing.
In the spring of 2019 the hromada has for the first time held a local development projects competition “Public Budget”.
The Kostyantynivska AH is an active participant in many projects. However, the first step was in the area of education.
For the first time in its history, the Konstyantynivka hub secondary educational institution has been included in the list of 100 pilot schools of the state New Ukrainian School project.
This educational institution won an energy conservation grant.
Another four schools and three kindergartens were repaired at the AH expense.
There are two school buses in the hromada, which provide daily transportation of children to school and kindergartens. The plans are to purchase another vehicle.
Due to the decision of the session 1-4 grade pupils of all educational establishments are provided with free hot meals.
Playgrounds with street simulators were installed in park zones of five villages, and two village clubs are being overhauled in order for children to play outside of school and to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
In total, two outpatient clinics and six rural health posts were established on the territory of the Kostyantynivska AH. In Chervona Polyana village there is a therapeutic department No 2 of the Hornostayivka first aid and emergency medical service.
2120 villagers have concluded declarations with their family doctors, and all hospital computers are connected to eHealth (eHealth).
During the AH existence, conditions and services in primary healthcare centres have improved significantly.
This year, as in the past, the AH has joined the project “Quality Home Diagnostics”, which aims to detect cancer on time, as well as to the “Good Eyesight” programme.
Every year, all AH residents pass a free digital fluorography test.
Immediately after amalgamation, the AH management set its priority task – to set up regular and uninterrupted water supply.
A budget was allocated for the drilling of a new well.
Work in this direction continues. The hromada aims to improve water supply in all settlements (repair two wells, partially replace the water supply network).
Deputies tried to partially solve the problem of roads as well. UAH 760 thousand were allocated for the ongoing hole patching in three settlements and renovation of 2.2 km of road leading to the hospital.
The AH team also worked to restore nighttime lighting in rural streets.
There is still much to work on, but the AH leadership is trying to keep up with global trends and step by step bring its economy in line with the European standards, and people to a better life!
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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