Interesting details of the project became known at the presentation of the second season of the social reality “Million-Hryvnia Hromada. Specialists” on 1+1 TV Channel, held in Kyiv on 11 September. In particular, several hromadas sharing experience were revealed. For example, an exemplary teacher of a school in the Halytsynivska AH will visit Finland, where children can behave completely freely during the lesson, and a doctor from the Voznesenska AH will go to Estonia. As part of the exchange of tourism experts, the head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Novohrad-Volynska AH will come to the Terebovlyanska hromada, and she will be temporarily substituted with a young and creative director able to make money on everything. A hotel specialist from Beloberizka will manage a luxury hotel in Germany, and the cultural guru of the Merefianska hromada will see how festivals are organised in France.
“The “Million-Hryvnia Hromada. Specialists” project is a reality about people making change through decentralisation reform. In this show you will see an exchange of professionals from different fields who share their experience and best practices. And at the same time, they are learning new things themselves. Spectators will see the best results and successes of local self-government reform. Participants of the TV project have promoted their hromadas and positive change. I am convinced that this reality-show will help Ukrainians better understand the process of decentralisation and its benefits,” said Susan Fritz, USAID Mission Director to Ukraine.
Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories, recalled the first season of the project, which came on the screens in 2018: “It is very nice to remember the emotions of the last season of the “Million-Hryvnia Hrimada”. It was the most interesting programme – it evoked all emotions, it came from the strength of the human spirit awakened in those hromadas. We have seen that there is a huge potential in our hromadas, an energy that has been closed for many years. I am convinced that both the last season of the programme and the new one play a very important role in the process of decentralisation as a mission that we must fulfill in order to develop Ukraine.”
The project is being produced by “1+1 Production” with the support of the US Agency for International Development “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) Programme at the initiative and at the request of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre, partner of the DOBRE Programme.
Project presentation video:
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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