Malolyubashanska AH: with love and respect for people

The Malolyubashanska AH is today one of the most successful in the Rivne Oblast. Only one and a half years have passed since amalgamation of three village councils of the Kostopil Rayon (in total 11 settlements), but now even opponents of such amalgamation (there were some, though few) admit that people made the right decision.



Take at least the Myrne community. Its villages had the best social infrastructure, but due to chronic underfunding it was neglected. Ever since the AH was formed, everything has been gradually improved here. In particular, the roof of the administrative department of the AH (former village council) was renovated, heating set up, and internal toilet built. The same works were performed at the Myrne outpatient clinic, primary healthcare centre. The premises were furnished, a registry was established, the institution received a car, so that doctors could reach patients on calls, cardiographs were purchased, other equipment provided here and to healthcare facilities in the villages of Mala Lyubasha and Mashcha. Now all medical institutions have family doctors. In Myrne a third group was opened in a kindergarten. The roof of the cultural club in Danchymist was completely renovated, electrical wiring changed, windows and doors replaced with plastic, and a modern playground set up nearby the facility. Under the conditions of co-financing (they won in oblast project competition) street simulators were installed near the club in the village of Tykhe.

“We are now completing the major overhaul of the Myrne lyceum roof using German technology. The cost of the works is three million hryvnias, covered by our AH,” says Viktor Talashchuk, head of the Malolyubashanska AH, who has extensive experience in local self-government, as well as organisational skills of the entrepreneur. “In all 11 villages AH performed street repairs, installed street lighting.”

Much has been done in other villages.

Now Viktor Talashchuk is concerned about restoration of a kindergarten in the village of Novy Berestovets (its work was suspended in the early 1990s), where repairs have already been completed by 70 percent.

The AH head said that in seven months the rural budget received 12.7 million hryvnias of own funds, while last year the revenues amounted to 8.9 million.

“In general, the decentralisation system is progressive,” says Viktor Talashchuk. “However, some legislative improvements are needed.”

There is a swimming pool in the Vyshyvanka kindergarten in Mali Lyubashi, where the instructor teaches kids to swim

By the way, the Malolyubashanska AH has a Programme for support of vulnerable population. Last year, 238 people received assistance, 137 – this year. This year, for the fourth year in a row, all ATO participants were provided with financial assistance.

Oleksandr Danylchuk, head of the Rivne Oblast Council:

“The Malolyubashanska AH is currently one of the most successful in the Rivne Oblast. Since amalgamation of local communities, it’s difficult not to notice positive changes here. In just a year, they have done so much of that they couldn’t manage for decades. And this is due not only to decentralisation, but first and foremost to the head's perseverance. Thanks to Viktor Talashchuk, the Malolyubashanska AH received considerable support from the oblast authorities. And all because he is a proactive and persistent leader – one who knocks on every door and gets support.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Рівненська область


Малолюбашанська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Малолюбашанська територіальна громада


Голос України

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