Semenivska hromada. Social projects for all


Semenivska settlement AH was one of the first in the Poltava Oblast. In four years, the hromada has had two rounds of voluntary village council accessions and unites 17 settlements. It focuses on social projects that will evenly develop all the villages.


The Semenivska settlement amalgamated hromada (AH) was formed in 2015. Veremiyivka village council was the first to join the hromada. Liudmyla Mylashevych, head of the Semenivska AH, says that a lot has been done in Veremiyivka during this time.

“A lot of work has been done here. In the local kindergarten we replaced the windows, renovated heating system and the floor. We provided them with the internet, set up a playground. We fund rural health posts, now they can get twice as much money to buy medicines. If they do not need medications, they may accumulate these funds – perhaps for some medical device. All streets in the village are lit. This is what people need. Earlier, people worried that they would have to go to Semenivka to get any certificate. But all the documents are issued in the starosta district, people do not have to go anywhere, everything remains on the ground. 



In total, the AH includes one urban-type settlement and 16 villages with a population of more than 12,000 residents.

As everywhere in the Poltava Oblast, agricultural and food industry enterprises are developing well in the Semenivska hromada. As of September 2018, Astarta-Kyiv Agro-Holding is building an elevator for the storage of 120,000 tons of grain and oilseeds at the site of the former Veselyi Podil Sugar Mill. According to the agro-holding management, they chose this site because of its favourable geographical location and developed transport infrastructure. The granary is expected to provide 150 new jobs.

The budget of the settlement AH for 2019 made up UAH 73 million. According to hromada leader Liudmyla Mylashevych, priority is given to social and infrastructure projects implemented in each village.


“We decided that every year each settlement should have a social project. If we made a road in one place, then we set up lighting or sidewalks or a playground in the other one. This year all streets of our settlements will be provided with lighting. I am pleased with that, since for almost 30 years we have lived without lighting.”


In 2013, Semenivka formed its own municipal guard, which patrols settlements and secures public places on Friday and weekends.



dministrative and cultural centre

In the village of Veremiyivka, which is part of the Semenivska AH, the former school building is being overhauled. Liudmyla Mylashevych says that they plan to locate a local administrative and cultural centre here with a post office, health post, library, gyms, canteen, rural House of Culture, administrative premises.



Protected Elderly House

The Protected Elderly House facility appeared in the Semenivska hromada in the summer of 2018. It is the first such institution to be opened in Ukraine on the AH basis. This project was funded from both the state and hromada budgets.

The House is designed for 25 people, as of May 2019 nine people reside here. Liudmyla Mylashevych says that the House is intended primarily for the hromada residents, but they are ready to host people from other settlements as well.


The institution has single and double rooms. Each room is equipped with a bathroom and a call button. The House has a kitchen, dining room, laundry, separate rooms for staff, healthcare specialists and administration. The institution is equipped with ramps, has fire protection system and emergency lighting.


Education, leisure, sports


The Semenivka Educational Complex No 2 includes a school and a kindergarten. There are four school classes with a focus on chemistry, physics, geography and biology, where pupils can work with computers and interactive whiteboards. Besides, two Lego robots-technic connectors were presented to the school.



The robotics course at Semenivka school has both theoretical and practical parts. In future, they want to hold robots’ competition here.



Lyubov Shudrya, director of the educational complex, says that in recent years the hromada has done a lot for the school and kindergarten. Positive changes include premises’ renovation, new equipment purchase and territory landscaping.



The AH arranges playgrounds in the settlement of Semenivka and surrounding villages.



At the beginning of 2019, a renovated children's and youth sports school was opened in Semenivka. The money for this project was allocated both from the oblast budget and hromada funds.


In addition to the gym, the sports school has volleyball, football, table tennis, judo and other classes. In future, the AH plans to improve landscaping here as well.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Полтавська область


Семенівська територіальна громада


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