The Commission at MinRegion has already approved 2373 infrastructure projects of amalgamated hromadas for the total amount of UAH 1.87 billion. UAH 230 million (11%) of the subvention remains unallocated.
Almost 100% of subvention were distributed among the projects of AHs of the Zakarpattia, Mykolayiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Cherkasy Oblasts.
The largest unallocated subvention is in the Kyiv (balance makes up 34%), Dnipropetrovsk (33.9%) and Kherson (33%) Oblasts.
This was announced by Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, as a result of the regular meeting of the Commission for consideration of AH proposals.
"Amalgamated hromadas already have experience in the efficient and timely use of infrastructure subvention. This year, the speed of submission of project applications and their quality have increased. Hromadas, especially those that formed first, use the subvention not only for repair, renovation or infrastructure construction. They invest considerable part in strategic issues: planning documentation, modern technologies of resource accounting, jobs’ creation, etc. Therefore, as we expected, it took several years for hromadas to feel what it means to be capable and to invest in development projects. Now we can be sure that AH territories will develop rapidly. Our task is to continue supporting AHs and prevent reform wind-down,” commented Vyacheslav Nehoda.
We recall that the state pledged to support amalgamated hromadas within five years after their formation.
In 2019, UAH 2.1 billion are envisaged for the development of the AH infrastructure. This money is allocated among the budgets created in 2015-2018 by 806 AHs in proportion to the AH area and number of in such a hromada. That is, the more rural areas the hromada has amalgamated, the more funds it receives from the state budget for infrastructure development.
In total from 2016 to 2019, inclusive, the Government has allocated UAH 6.5 billion for infrastructure development to amalgamated hromadas: UAH 1 billion in 2016 – for 159 AHs, UAH 1.5 billion in 2017 – for 367 AH, UAH 1.9 billion in 2018 – for 665 AHs, in 2019 the amount of the subvention is UAH 2.1 billion.
During 2015-2018, AHs funded 6380 projects at the expense of the infrastructure subvention.
V.Nehoda subvention subventsiia 2019
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