Winners of DREAMactions small grants competition identified

The winners of the DREAMactions 3.0 small grants competition, organised by CANactions School and WNISEF, have been selected.

From 1 April to 31 May, 182 applications were received from amalgamated hromadas of 23 oblasts of Ukraine, of which 65 are rural hromadas, 56 settlement, and 59 urban ones.

The objective of the competition is to support AHs in implementing practical urban projects to improve the life quality and living conditions in hromadas. The competition envisages grants of up to UAH 100.000 for each winner selected by the jury.

Winning projects include:

  1. Shatsk Expedition (Shatska settlement AH, Volyn Oblast, rethinking of the policy of hromada’s usage of natural resources of national importance and development of a new approach to design in important ecological zones through a specially organised “expedition” on the example of the chosen recreational route around Shatsk lakes (near the village of Hayivka).
  2. Foreign Language Learning Centre” (Komishanska rural AH, Sumy Oblast). Creation of a foreign language learning centre, that will be equipped with the necessary modern appliances and literature to learn languages.
  3. Another SHOP-social Profit-room (Terebovlyanska urban AH, Ternopil Oblast). Creation of a new incubator platform for entrepreneurship development, communication skills and social adaptation of people with difficult living conditions in the form of a non-standard shop that will unite families of different property status for mutual support: targeted help with speeches and mentoring, in the Terebovlyanska hromada.
  4. Creation of a universal playground for children (Baranivska urban AH, Zhytomyr Oblast). Creation of a universal playground for children, including for children with disabilities, in a multi-functional rehabilitation centre (at present, there are 136 children in the centre).

The winners will get:

  • financing within a defined budget;
  • advisory support within the projects;
  • coverage of the project at all stages of its implementation by Organisers and media partners of the Organisers;
  • experience in implementing interesting and up-to-date urban transformation projects with a transparent and understandable implementation mechanism;
  • opportunity to hold public events for exchange of project experience with Organisers’ support.

A large number of project applications were devoted to the issues of clean environment, implementation of the systems for separate collection and removal of garbage, and ecological awareness raising of hromada residents.

Presentation of the results of the competition will take place in November 2019.

DREAMactions 3.0 small grants competition is organised by CANactions School and Western NIS Enterprise Fund, which supports initiatives to advance reforms in Ukraine and transformational projects.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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