Briefing on the topic: “Local elections on a new territorial basis: possible or not?” – to be held on 20 June

On 20 June, Kyiv will host a briefing on Local elections on a new territorial basis: possible or not?. The event will consider the main challenges of the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power in the nearest future. The main question is: how many rayons will there be after the reform, and which powers will the rayon authorities have.

The briefing is organised by the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils.

According to the Governmental Plan, a new map of the subregional level of Ukraine should be formed soon. If today there are 490 rayons, then after the reform there will be up to 100. The number of councils and administrations will decrease respectively, but the territorial reach of the authorities will increase.


Viktor Ovcharuk, Vice-President of the Association, Head of the Ternopil Oblast Council. Topic: Capable rayons’ modeling is a real challenge by 2020.

Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine. Topic: Main perspectives of decentralisation reform implementation.

Daniel Popescu, Head of the Council of Europe Democratic Governance Department. Topic: Council of Europe’s support of further decentralisation processes in Ukraine.

The briefing will start at 14:30. Address: 73, sichovykh Striltsiv Str., 10th floor, Kyiv, central office of the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils.

Accreditation till 18:00, 19 June, by phone: 044-484-05-19 or e-mail:

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

14.06.2019 - 14:33 | Views: 8668
Briefing on the topic: “Local elections on a new territorial basis: possible or not?” – to be held on 20 June


announcement rayon


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