By end of 2019, Ukraine can get new map of rayons

By the end of 2019, the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils (UAROR) is ready to model a new map of a country's capable subregional level. Therefore, local elections in 2020 have all chances to take place on the new territorial basis of hromadas and rayons.

This was informed by UAROR experts.

Thus, there is an already-made step-by-step plan for implementation of corresponding measures and a preliminary vision of the number of rayons in each oblast.

As experts point out, the experience gained from the Donetsk, Luhansk, Ternopil and Kharkiv Oblasts has proved the effectiveness of the criteria used as basis for modeling. It is about population size, number of hromadas, area of territories and access to new rayon centres.

It is also planned to use the form of broad discussions. According to experts, only direct communication with local self-government representatives in a particular oblast can give the necessary effect in solving the issues of territorial organisation of power.

Among the innovations applied by the Association in its events, there will be involvement of regional and local mass media in order to promote decentralisation processes.

In addition, future discussions will touch upon the topic of powers distribution.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE





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