Oleshanska AH: positive demography, safety and tourism prospects

The positive demographic situation in Ukraine is rather an exception than a rule. Yet the Oleshanska hromada has villages with a growing number of residents.

The AH directed its efforts and funds to create proper conditions for children. The Oleshanska hromada of the Tlumach Rayon started its work in 2018. It consists of 5 village councils with about 6 thousand people. In a year and a half, a lot of things have already been done here, but most importantly, the hromada became better aware of its opportunities and gradually began to create conditions for the development of these rural areas.


The opportunities provided by decentralisation are not a panacea, and with the AH formation were not solved by themselves, says AH head Bohdan Dvoiak. Greater powers and resources bring more responsibility. However, the head considers budget increase due to personal income tax inflow one of the unequivocal positive issues.

He adds that most funds were invested in the three pillars: completion of a gym construction in the Olesha school, completion of the Budzyn school and reconstruction of the building for the kindergarten in the village of Deleva.


In addition, the Oleshanska hromada is one of the few in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, which can boast of a large local fire brigade and its own fire depot.

This year the hromada began to prepare its Development Strategy for the next seven years with the support of the Ivano-Frankivsk Local Government Development Centre and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. In addition to the traditional agricultural profile of the area, the hromada paid more attention to the tourism potential. Here it is planned to create conditions for the revival of the traditions of hang gliding and paragliding.


According to the Perspective Plan for the formation of territories of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast hromadas, the AH should include 4 village councils, which for various reasons have not joined it, though this is just a matter of time.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Івано-Франківська область


Олешанська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Олешанська територіальна громада


Сайт Івано-Франківської ОДА

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