Journalists from the Chernihiv Oblast got acquainted with the successes and best practices of the Osterska AH.
The hromada was presented to guests by Andriy Skydan, Deputy Mayor of Oster, and Svitlana Chystyak, Secretary of the Oster City Council.
“The Osterska hromada was formed in June 2016, the first elections took place in November 2016. The AH includes 14 settlements – Oster city and 13 villages. Its population amounts to eight thousand residents, and the territory is 17 thousand hectares,” informed Andriy Skydan.
According to him, after amalgamation, the AH budget has increased and there is a positive dynamics of own revenues inflow.
The hromada is supported by the state as well. Thus, almost UAH 3.7 million have been received for infrastructure development in course of two years. For this money the AH purchased a garbage truck and a truck-mounted platform, as well as installed a video surveillance system.
In 2019, the hromada should receive almost UAH 1.4 million, for which it plans to buy a backhoe and a tractor.
During 2017-2018, UAH 5,5 million allocated for social and economic development were used by the Osterska AH to carry out major repair of the road section, thermo-modernisation of the kindergarten and to built a football field with artificial cover in the gymnasium.
The hromada is concerned not only about infrastructure projects. Here they care about improving the quality of social and administrative services. Thus, in January 2019, the Osterska AH became a participant of the III Round of U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s Roll-Out Phase for the ASC modernisation, and now it is preparing premises in accordance with the requirements of the Programme.
And one day before meeting with journalists, the hromada was informed that the Oster territorial centre will receive a specially equipped car to provide social taxi services.
Is it possible to grow grapes in the northern Ukraine? As it turned out, it is. Entrepreneurs from the Osterska AH have been studying this culture for several years. And last year over 500 bushes of 200 varieties were planted on an area of 2 hectares. According to entrepreneur Artem Sevastyan, these two hectares are experimental. They will cultivate those grape varieties that are best adapted to weather conditions.
Leonid Yushchenko is his business partner and an experienced local winemaker, who has been engaged in grapes cultivation for 15 years.
The first crop is expected to be collected in three-four years, and it will be possible to supply large batches in five or six years.
“Beremytske” natural park is a unique project of territory rewilding (“return to wildlife”).
The natural park “Beremitske” on the territory of the Osterska amalgamated hromada aims to restore nature in the form it used to be here in the V-X century.
Due to this project, new jobs have appeared. Employees come from Oster and surrounding villages. The plans are to increase the number of tourists, build a hotel on the territory of the hromada and create multi-day tourist routes that will combine tourist pearls and unique places.
“The “Beremytske” natural park is a result of good cooperation between authorities, business and the public. It gives jobs, tax inflow and budget revenues. It is constant movement and development, large-scale plans and real projects,” - said Oksana Stelmakh, communications adviser of the Chernihiv LGDC.
The press tour was organised by the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Чернігівська областьГромади:
Остерська територіальна громадаSource:
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