Activity of the Velykodymerska AH is a convincing evidence of the positive effect of the local self-government reform
The road to Velyka Dymerka settlement in quality can outmatch many national ones. The road in the settlement itself is also not worse. A pleasant impression of Velyka Dymerka is complemented by the grand memorial complex to the fellow villagers and civilians who died during the Second World War, monuments to participants of the Chernobyl accident liquidation, commemorative tablets ATO soldiers. Central square, shops, market – everything shows that hard working people are living here, and local authorities love and care for them.
The settlement, perhaps, is one of the few in Ukraine that can be an example of how to attract and engage investors. Indeed, there are currently almost 70 enterprises of various forms of ownership in Velyka Dymerka. Anatolii Bochkariov, head of the settlement, has been working in local self-government for 37 years.
Thus, speaking with him, you immediately feel the depth of his knowledge and understanding of local self-government problems, prospects and opportunities.
Foreign investors will invest over EUR 50 million in solar energy development in the settlement
Anatolii Bochkariov was not afraid to run for elections and confidently won there.
Yes, he loves his little homeland and fellow villagers, but believes that he should think more globally and take care not only about his own settlement.
When the AH was formed at the end of 2017, the joint budget of the settlement and four adjoined village councils made up UAH 40 million, and last year they finished with UAH 186 million.
The settlement head believes that the weaker must be pulled high. Therefore, he plans to create industrial zones for development on other territories besides Velyka Dymerka. And they have already established two in the settlement. Currently, such well-known companies as Coca-Cola, Monomakh, Baumit, Region-2001, etc. operate on land not suitable for agricultural production. The "Solar Energy" company, with a total foreign investment of over 50 million euros, is rapidly developing as well.
In addition to the road economy, repairs and construction were carried out at 42 facilities.
As for healthcare, no rural health post have been closed, on the contrary, the list of their services has expanded. This is exactly the case in the educational sector.
Anatolii Bochkariov believes that it is extremely important for the head to be willing to share experience and learn the best from others.
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