It has already helped four hromada residents to register as private entrepreneurs, having opened car repair shops, stationery store, fuel briquettes producing factory and an agricultural cooperative
By Dmytro Synyak
In a small room, children aged 13-14 have just finished a brief course on environmental protection.
The event was officially called the Ecological Quest, dedicated to the World Earth Day. It was aimed at instilling ecological consciousness in pupils of the Mamalyha hub school. The next day, the quest will be held for other pupils. The events are organised by Tetiana Nagrudna, administrator of the Economic Growth Centre in the Malyalyhivska AH.
Tetiana Nagrudna, administrator of the Economic Growth Centre in the Malyalyhivska AH
The Economic Growth Centre of the Mamalyhivska AH is in fact a communication platform that can be used by everyone interested for the AH benefit.
Participants of the ecological quest
The premises were provided by the Mamalyha village council, and money for repairs with a small share of co-financing from the local budget came within the framework of the Mayors for the Economic Growth Project (M4EG).
Tetiana Nagrudna considers creation of small business entities opened shortly after the business seminars to be the biggest achievement of the Economic Growth Centre.
Library of the Centre
The Economic Growth Centre also plans to focus on tourism development in the nearest future.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Чернівецька областьГромади:
Мамалигівська територіальна громадаSource:
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