The reform of decentralisation of power introduced five years ago has become fundamental in the process of reorganisation of the entire system of public administration and decision-making. That is why it requires protection, first of all at the level of the Constitution. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman on air of the Pryamyi TV channel.
“It is critical for us to protect the decentralisation reform. 1 April marked 5 years since I introduced the concept of the reform to the Government, and we triggered its implementation. Now, 70% of Ukrainians have access to the benefits offered by decentralisation. It is important to ensure that all 100% of Ukrainians have a new quality of life. It is a new school, a new road, a new economic foundation of the hromada”, said Volodymyr Groysman. “We must enshrine in the Constitution that this is an essential reform, and it cannot be terminated. If we fail to do this, anyone will have a chance to abolish everything through the usual law. And it's dangerous. But I will stand for the reform. It is one of the key reforms in terms of governance and decision-making.”
Volodymyr Groysman added that today we see the process where new managers come to the oblast authorities, ready to use effectively new opportunities and new resources - primarily the financial ones. Only in the direction of local budget revenues, their anticipated amount will be UAH 270 billion this year.
“Today those are the means of development. Therefore, you see the hromadas have roads, lighting, transport, and new squares, parks, kindergartens, schools. The system has been shaped and will work further. It is critical to complete the process of hromadas’ amalgamation in 2020, so that everyone had access to the benefits of the reform. This reform has changed the system of governance. Now everything is within the responsibility of AHs and city heads. We create conditions for them,” summed up the Prime Minister.
Volodymyr Groysman Constitution novyi etap
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