Chlorine-free water service company, rehabilitation for soldiers and participatory budget - success story of Khmilnytska AH

Last year, cities of oblast significance received an opportunity to amalgamate on the principle of accessing the territories - without additional elections. Khmilnyk, located in the Vinnytsia Oblast, was one of the first in Ukraine to bravely make such a step and became the undisputed leader in the oblast. The urban amalgamated hromada was created by accessing the neighbouring village of Sokoliv.
Serhii Redchyk, AH head, admits that cities of oblast significance are not in a hurry to amalgamate, since they consider themselves self-sufficient. However, in his opinion, even small villages can become a new breath in the life of the hromada.

The Khmilnytska AH introduced a public participatory budget. Thanks to this initiative, a resource centre and an inclusive room have recently appeared in Gymnasium No 1.

In the school yard there are colored waste sorting garbage cans.

In Khmilnyk, water disinfection system at the water service company has been reconstructed. The enterprise installed equipment that allows refusing from chlorine use. The dangerous substance was replaced by the common kitchen salt.

Khmilnyk is a resort city. People from all over the country come here to improve their health. Recently, the first rehabilitation centre for ATO participants has been opened in the oblast.
Warriors, who defended the borders in the East, receive all procedures and classes free of charge. However, ordinary citizens can visit gyms on a fee basis. The demand is considerable. Therefore, the institution is self-sufficient.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Вінницька область


Хмільницька територіальна громада



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