As it is known, the second phase of decentralisation has started in Ukraine. The point of destination is conducting of the next local elections in 2020 on a new territorial basis. To this end, Ukraine needs to solve a number of important tasks – from drafting the necessary laws to their adoption and implementation. And this means that everyday work of all parties – the Government, Parliament, local self-government associations, donor community and experts – is needed. Thus, the joint tasks for the second decentralisation phase were agreed in Kyiv by MinRegion and the Donor Board, that combines international technical assistance projects and programmes supporting the decentralisation processes in Ukraine.
Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, highlighted the most important tasks. Without their solution, further implementation of the reform may be in question. In particular, he emphasised the importance of adopting draft laws that will regulate the principles of the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine and establish a body entitled to make decisions on the definition of territories of territorial hromadas of villages, urban-type settlements, cities.
“There are a number of other draft laws. Some of them have long awaited parliamentary consideration, some remain at the stage of their approval by the Government. A number of draft laws are being developed. But without determining the legal framework of the administrative-territorial structure and competent authority to determine the territory of hromadas of villages, settlements, cities, it will be difficult to move further. Moreover, this year national elections will be held twice – first presidential, and then parliamentary ones. This is a turbulent zone for the reform, but let’s fasten seat belts and move forward,” urged Vyacheslav Nehoda.
International community representatives called such tasks ambitious. They also unanimously expressed their willingness to further implement decentralisation in Ukraine and supported the relevant action plan. They stressed the need for continued close cooperation with the parliament, the decisions of which affect the adoption of laws – the basis of the reform.
The next meeting of the Donor Board is scheduled for the third decade of May.
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