By 2020, all residents of the country should live within decentralisation, - Volodymyr Groysman on a new reform stage

By 2020, the whole country, 100% of residents, must live within decentralisation, stated Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

“Only 68% of Ukrainian citizens live within decentralisation (in amalgamated hromadas and cities of oblast significance - Ed.), where there are more opportunities and the budgets are times bigger. Our task is to ensure that 100% of Ukrainians live in a decentralised hromadas. This implies a new decentralisation stage – by 2020 we must cover the whole country by the reform and give everyone the opportunities to use its benefits,” said Volodymyr Groysman.

He also reminded that during the decentralisation process, the Government transferred 1.4 million hectares of state agricultural land outside settlements to AHs. “We promised it a year ago and fulfilled it,” the Head of Government said.

According to him, due to budget decentralisation, in 2014-2018, the total local budget increased by 3.3 times.

“Local budgets have money to build, repair, etc. The only thing I want to say is that everything is good where there are local managers, who understand how to develop the territory: that it is necessary to consult with people, that there shound be not fountains made and wool pulled over people's eyes, but serious fundamental things done. Those settlements have a normal relationship between the Government and citizens. But the situation is difficult, where people elected a person, put him in office, and decentralisation with hundreds of millions or billions fell on his head, and he does not know what to do with it and puts on airs. Cities remain neglected, problems are not solved. And here the question is already to the local residents, who have to elect local authorities responsibly. The state has created opportunities, and it is very important who and how will use them,” said Volodymyr Groysman.


He also reminded that last year UAH 37 billion were allocated from the state budget for territory development. “These are new schools, kindergartens, roads, stadiums, hospitals, outpatient clinics, ASCs, new infrastructure... In total, in 2018, 5281 projects aimed at the development of territories were implemented in the regions. This has largely been achieved at the expense of state support,” the Prime Minister informed.


Volodymyr Groysman novyi etap


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