Best practices: new format
Reforms are made successful by concrete hromadas, their leaders, employees of executive committees of local councils, and, ultimately, hromada members themselves. The Ukrainian municipality activists not only accepted decentralisation with their hearts and minds, but also managed to transform the opportunities provided by the reform into understandable strategies and plans that are currently being implemented.
This is evidenced by the results of the Competition “Best Local Self-Government Practices”-2018, that has been implemented in Ukraine since 2012 according to the methodology of the Council of Europe. Almost two hundred innovations have enriched the national experience treasury, 34 of which became finalists of the competition in 2018.
The winners of the Competition were awarded with honours and diplomas, received an opportunity from the Government to present their work in the capital at the highest level. Subsequently, due to the Council of Europe, they will also have a chance to compare their own achievements with the achievements of foreign colleagues during a study visit to one of the Council of Europe member states.
At the same time, the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Local Government Reform in Ukraine” and MinRegion proposed to this year winners and nominees of the following Practices a new format for disseminating experience as quickly and broadly as possible through an electronic “Gallery of Innovations that Change Ukraine”.
These are stories about the birth of the idea, environment it developed in, professional secrets of its creators, fruits of their successful governance and effective administration in their hromada – rural, settlement or urban, in the rayon or oblast.
Ukrainians need to know not only their defenders, volunteers, singers or writers, boxers or biathlonists. The decentralisation heroes – organisers and managers of local development, generators of daring plans, ambitious projects, new managerial decisions and builders of new hromadas, and hence the new Ukraine – should become well-known and respected in society.
Business card
Ivano-Frankivsk City Council. “Smart Tourism” practice.
The first place in the “Best Local Self-Government Practices”-2018 Competition in the category “Developmental practices based on own strategies and resources”
The latest innovation of the city council – the development and implementation of “Smart Tourism” practice – eloquently highlights its respect for travelers.
This is a comprehensive project, within the frames of which a unique mobile application “Visit Ivano-Frankivsk” – a free electronic city guide, a kind of pocket guide, that has been a convenient option for tourists and city dwellers for almost a year, was created. It provides information on tourist routes and sites, city transport system, hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops and entertainment facilities.
The mentioned project (and its total cost is UAH 1 523 027, of which the lion’s share – UAH 1 117 027 – is own contributions of the city) also includes the production of a number of printing materials, as well as creation of a modern, comfortable public space.
It is therefore natural that tourism development is one of the main goals of the City Development Strategy by 2028.
Ivano-Frankivsk City Council
21, Hrushevskoho Street, 76004
Telephone No.: 0342556515; Fax 0342556020
Author of the practice: Andriy Chaykivskyi, Head of the Department of Software and Computer Support of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council
Telephone No.: 0342556515; Fax 0342556020
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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