New objects: we are building a strong state!
The Government annually increases state support for hromadas’ development and infrastructure improvement. This year it reaches over UAH 37.8 billion. These funds were directed in the first place to repair schools and kindergartens, hospitals, construction of boiler-houses and sports grounds, as well as to healthcare development in rural areas, support of farmers in the regions, energy efficiency.
Dozens of socially important projects are funded this year in the Cherkasy Oblast with the financial support of the Government. In particular, in 2018, the Government allocated funds for major repairs of the kindergarten in the village of Sukha Kalyhirka, with the arrangement of a gym, for the reconstruction of the Primary Health Care Centre in the village of Bilozirya, for the Cherkasy new gymnastic complex, where from now on children will be able to practice in three modern gymnastics halls, for the reconstruction of the infectious wards in the Smila city hospital, for the restoration after the fire of the Cherkasy Oblast Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater named after Taras Shevchenko, for the major repairs of the artificial runway of the airport in Cherkasy, etc.
The state support of the regions is a priority for the Government, therefore the financing of regional programs increases in the draft budget for the next year. And these are new kindergartens, renovated schools, hospitals and sports facilities throughout the oblast.
New angiograph will help to save human lives in cardiological centre of Cherkasy
The Cherkasy Oblast Cardiological Centre will have a new modern angiograph next year. This equipment will save the lives of thousands of people, who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
High-quality roads: country’s major repairs
This year the Government is financing repairs of more than 3 500 km of Ukrainian roads. Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman has repeatedly stated that high-quality repair of Ukrainian roads is one of the Government’s priorities. For 10 years, construction, overhaul and reconstruction of roads were almost non-existent in the country. Starting from 2016, the financing of the road sector has been increased year by year.
"This is part of our strategy implementation: to connect all oblast centres of Ukraine in five years. I emphasise: Ukrainians have the right to ride and will eventually ride along good roads,” said Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman.
In total, this year the state has allocated nearly UAH 832 million to renovate 48.5 km of roads in the Cherkasy Oblast.
The task set by the Government is to connect all oblast centres with high-quality roads in five years.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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