Ukraine is not lagging behind in public budgeting, but is developing rapidly, even in comparison with the European countries, said Andriy Portnyi, head of the Sosnytska settlement amalgamated hromada, on the air of “Ukrainian Radio: Chernihiv Wave”, recalling his participation in the international conference in Berlin devoted to the issues of public involvement in decision-making and implementation of participatory budgets.
“Not all cities in Europe or other world countries have participatory budgets. Participative budgets are being actively introduced in Ukraine, and more and more cities are joining this initiative. Public participatory budget is a modern trend. We have something to share and to tell about,” ensured Andriy Portnyi.
The participatory budget has been operating in the Sosnytska AH since 2016, it was introduced before amalgamation. Here they have electronic petitions, public discussion tools, an opportunity to appeal to the head through an electronic reception. There are all possible instruments for citizens’ influence on the decision-making process in the hromada. “It's a pity that they are not very actively used,” said the head of the Sosnytska AH. He added that he lacks a constructive, good opposition.
Andriy Portnyi said that next year the hromada will introduce participatory budgets in schools. “There will be separate financing. But it will not be budgeting of teachers, but financing of pupils’ projects. Children will be those to make decisions,” stressed the Sosnytska AH head.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
participatory budget participation of citizens Andrii Portnyi
Чернігівська областьГромади:
Сосницька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Сосницька територіальна громадаSource:
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