The passing year in the Shyriayivska amalgamated hromada of the Odesa Oblast was unofficially declared the year of education support, the next one will be the year of healthcare, as reported by the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.
According to Larysa Pavlyuchenko, secretary of the urban-type settlement council, there are seven schools in the AH, and each of them, during two years of the AH existence, has received a lot of money and felt the changes for the better. For example, the Osynivka and Maryanivka educational complexes have been renovated there, and three schools – Shyriayeve Educational Complex No. 1, Oleksandrivka and Makarove Educational Complexes – have received new boilers: the first one - gas boiler and the other two – solid fuel boiler, that will save resources and improve the level of heating in classes and preschool groups.
In addition, windows have been replaced in two gymnasiums, all schools have received new didactic equipment, new furniture, interactive whiteboards, multimedia devices, laptops and equipment for the New Ukrainian school. Besides, a linguaphone equipment has recently been purchased for the Shyriayevy Educational Complex No. 1.
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Одеська областьГромади:
Ширяївська територіальна громадаSource:
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