Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman proposes to complete the process of AH formation by 2020 and move to a stage of unchanged decentralisation and implementation of quality regional development strategies, aimed at increasing the economic potential and primarily raising the living standards of people, said the Head of Government, summing up the results of the 3rd Forum of Amalgamated Hromadas, that took place on 5 December in Kyiv.
He drew attention to the fact that hromadas feel the change in the paradigm from “application of funds” to “receipt of financial instruments”. But there is often a problem with the object of investment. In cities and urban-type settlements there are “cedar trees and fountains” with abandoned boiler houses, broken roads and unheated schools and kindergartens next to them.
“Therefore, there is a need for the formation of holistic strategies that make it possible to develop concrete plans of action and implement them,” said Volodymyr Groysman.
Among the examples of such a strategy, the Head of Government recalled the Government’s policy of renovation and construction of roads. “In 2016 I announced that we will build roads. And we started with getting the Ukravtodor’s system off the ground, elaborating a strategy for 2018-2022 on binding regional centres with high-quality roads,” said Volodymyr Groysman. “Implementation of the strategy, targeted accumulation of the resource will eventually affect the development of the entire economy through the improvement of infrastructure, life quality.”
Similarly, assures the Head of Government, the energy efficiency strategy and many other strategies that need to be implemented, both at the central and local levels, will work – with clear coordination and result orientation.
“And in the context of the decentralisation reform, by 2020 we need to complete amalgamation of hromadas, create a quality territorial basis, and enshrine irreversibility of the reform in the Constitution. And then – to change the quality of life, and invest resources in the development of human capital,” said Volodymyr Groysman.
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