Elections in AHs in 10 oblasts with martial law in force will be held after its completion, - Andriy Parubiy

Speaking at the Forum of Local Self-Government, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy said that in the course of consideration of martial law introduction there was a discussion held on how to hold elections in ten oblasts where the martial law would be in effect. According to him, “all participants of the discussion have commonly agreed that it would be correct for the elections to take place regardless of the martial law.”

Andriy Parubiy informed the Forum participants that consultations on this issue were held with the Central Election Commission, with the Committees of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, with the legal department of the Parliament. The common understanding is that “unfortunately, it is impossible to implement, because the process of holding the elections has already been interrupted.” “And, in fact, it cannot return to this very point; it must start from the very beginning. I think that there will be no difficulties or problems that the CEC will start the electoral process upon completion of the martial law. I hope that in the near future, elections in the hromadas will be announced and conducted in an open democratic way so that we do not question the legal grounds and the right to elect, the right to compete during these elections,” the Head of the Parliament stressed.


05.12.2018 - 13:53 | Views: 13968
Elections in AHs in 10 oblasts with martial law in force will be held after its completion, - Andriy Parubiy


3forumOTH elections


Верховна Рада України

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