President Petro Poroshenko stresses that, despite the fact that a lot has been done in decentralisation implementation, it is impossible to stop on what has been achieved. The Head of State said this in his speech at the Forum of Local Self-Government.
“The picture of the course of decentralisation across oblasts is too diverse, there remain too many gaps in coverage of the territories by amalgamated hromadas (AH) on the maps. There are still many “white spots”. It is necessary to overcome sporadicity and some chaos in implementation of the regional development policy,” said Petro Poroshenko. He noted that, a little less than a month ago, the Regional Development Council assigned regional leaders with the task to elaborate territory development plans for 2019-2021, discussing and adopting them at the hromada level.
“Each territory should define its advantages and priorities, on the basis of which there will appear priority facilities as development markers on your road maps,” noted the President. He emphasised that availability of such perspective plans with hromada-approved projects and funding mechanisms will substantially increase the investment prospects of the territories.
“I guarantee that the state will find the opportunity to co-finance many of these projects,” he said, urging local self-government leaders to adopt development plans. “We do not encroach on the local self-government funds. On the contrary – we offer financial assistance for the implementation of particularly significant projects,” he added.
“We must clearly see the horizons of the reform. 2020 is key year. I have already said at the Regional Development Council that in 2020 local elections should take place, provided that the whole territory of Ukraine is covered by amalgamated hromadas, that is, on a new territorial basis,” said Petro Poroshenko.
The President stressed that for this purpose it is necessary to continue maximal stimulation of further amalgamation and accession of hromadas, in particular to cities of oblast significance. He stressed that in 2019, all perspective plans of oblasts with full coverage of the entire territory of Ukraine by AHs should be formed.
“In 2020, we must take an administrative decision on amalgamation of hromadas, that have not found any desire, aspiration or forces to amalgamate in four years. People, hromada residents should not suffer from the heads, who hinder the hromadas’ formation,” said the President.
“This will happen in accordance with the people’s desire and perspective plans approved by the oblast councils. We must complete the key stage of the reform so that all Ukrainian citizens have equal access to quality services – in education, healthcare, and social sector,” summed up the Head of State.
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