The process of enshrining the results of the first stage of the decentralisation reform in the Constitution of Ukraine and continuation of changes in the local self-government system cannot be extended for a long time. The estimated time frame for approving all required decisions is about 600 days (1,5 years), informed Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman on the air of Espero TV channel.
“It is possible to make all decisions in 600 days – including in the part of the Constitution, that will make the reform irreversible,” the Head of Government said. “A new phase of the reform should include strengthening of responsibility of hromada leaders themselves.”
According to Volodymyr Groysman, it is difficult to predict the course of discussion of legislative decisions – first of all, given the electoral process that will take place next year. And there are threats to the reform. “Now the task is to protect the reform and develop local self-governance,” added the Prime Minister.
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