Today, the Central Election Commission has considered the situation that jeopardises the first elections in 34 AHs to take place on 23 December this year and preparation for which has already begun. It concerns the decision of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv regarding an administrative lawsuit of Artem Vitko, MP of Ukraine, that concerns 34 amalgamated hromadas (available at the link).
Having considered the issue, the Commission made due account of the court’s decision. The CEC members noted that they had no authority to stop the electoral process that had already begun, including in the 34 AHs concerned by the filed lawsuit. At the same time, the CEC decided to appeal to the District Administrative Court of Kyiv for clarification of its legal stance.
Lawyers earlier noted that the claim itself and the court's decision would not stand up to criticism.
The lawsuit concerns the following AHs :
1. Pavlivska rural AH of the Vinnytisa Oblast;
2. Sobolivska rural AH of the Vinnytisa Oblast;
3. Teplytska settlement AH of the Vinnytisa Oblast;
4. Huto-Borovenska rural AH of the Volyn Oblast;
5. Trostyanetska rural AH of the Volyn Oblast;
6. Kivertsivska urban AH of the Volyn Oblast;
7. Pryvitnenska rural AH of the Volyn Oblast;
8. Hirkopolonkivska rural AH of the Volyn Oblast;
9. Cherkaska settlement AH of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast;
10. Vchorayshenska rural AH of the Zhytomyr Oblast;
11. Vilshanska rural AH of the Zhytomyr Oblast;
12. Andrivskaya rural AH of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast;
13. Malynivska rural AH of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast;
14. Lyubytska rural AH of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast;
15. Novomykolayivska rural AH of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast;
16. Baryshivska settlement AH of the Kyiv Oblast;
17. Borodyanska settlement AH of the Kyiv Oblast;
18. Myronivska urban AH of the Kyiv Oblast;
19. Kovalivska urban AH of the Kyiv Oblast;
20. Pishchanobrydska rural AH of the Kirovohrad Oblast;
21. Dobrovelychkivska settlement AH of the Kirovohrad Oblast;
22. Maryanivska rural AH of the Kirovohrad Oblast;
23. Markivska settlement AH of the Luhansk Oblast;
24. Velykorchernihivska rural AH of the Luhansk Oblast;
25. Krasnotalivska rural AH of the Luhansk Oblast;
26. Lotskynska rural AH of the Mykolayiv Oblast;
27. Sofiyivska rural AH of the Mykolayiv Oblast;
28. Starosilska rural AH of the Rivne Oblast;
29. Putyvlska urban AH of the Sumy Oblast;
30. Balandynska rural AH of the Cherkasy Oblast;
31. Stavchanska rural AH of the Chernivtsi Oblast;
32. Borznyanska urban AH of the Chernihiv Oblast;
33. Ozeryanska rural AH of the Chernihiv Oblast;
34. Novobilouska rural AH of the Chernihiv Oblast.
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