13 March 2025
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Administrative Service Centres

U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery

Visual Report 2019 - 2020

Visual Report 2018 – 2019

Visual Report 2016 – 2018

Decentralisation is one of the most important reforms of the Ukrainian government. To succeed in this reform it is crucial to reinforce the service delivery capacities of the public administration, including delegation of mission, mandate and responsibilities to local self-government bodies. Improvement of administrative service provision is one of the keys to a successful decentralisation process in Ukraine. Creating Administrative Service Centres in amalgamated Hromadas and small cities increases the accessibility and efficiency of service delivery at the local level.

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme's Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery provides:

  • Support to establishment or modernisation of up to 600 well-functioning Administrative Service Centres (ASCs);
  • Development and launch of IT systems “Trembita” and “Vulyk” for e-governance and efficient provision of national, regional and local administrative services.

The activities are divided into two phases:

The Inception Phase, which aimed at piloting models for ASCs in 26 hromadas (2016-2018).

The Roll-Out Phase, that aims at multiplying the results of the Inception Phase in up to 600 hromadas and small cities (2018-2021).

The Roll-Out Phase (March 2018 - June 2021) is carried out in four rounds, targeting 150 hromadas per round. The following support is provided in each round:

  • Development of Terms of Reference (ToR) for each selected hromada on establishment or modernisation of the ASC
  • Physical support: furniture, office equipment, IT software, design of ASC premises
  • Institutional support: establishment of the ASCs institutional structure, staff training, raising awareness and citizen participation; study visits and experience sharing
  • In addition, a selected number of partners will be provided Special Support, including electronic queue management system and vehicles for mobile provision of services (mobile ASCs).

The working flow of each round

  1. Selection of partner Hromadas: after a call for applications the Programme’s expert committee selects participants in cooperation with MinRegion and MEDT
  2. The Programme experts visit all of the selected Hromadas (up to 150). As a result of the visits and interviews Terms of Reference are developed
  3. The final list of ToRs is sent to Sida and to the partner Hromadas
  4. Based on the list of ToRs, Sida announces a call for applications within the framework agreement for implementers, in order to select implementers that will carry out the Programme’s part of the work within the ToR. In parallel, the partner Hromadas can start the works for their part of the ToR
  5. Sida selects Implementers within the framework agreement. The partner Hromadas and the Implementers start their cooperation by signing agreements that regulate the terms and timelines, based on the ToRs and the Declarations of Intent
  6. The Implementers begin to carry out their responsibilities within the ToRs.

Our values – sustainability, transparency, gender equality.

Find out more at tsnap.ulead.org.ua and Facebook page tsnap.ulead


Organisational structure of U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery