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Віце-прем'єр-міністр України - Міністр регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства у 2014-2019 роках

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Regional Project Management Centres to be established in Ukraine with the support of Canada and Lithuania Regional Project Management Centres to be established in Ukraine with the support of Canada and Lithuania
MinRegion believes 2019 will be key year for decentralisation MinRegion believes 2019 will be key year for decentralisation
New Educational Space: 120 thousand children study in 300 modern institutions – MinRegion’s statistics New Educational Space: 120 thousand children study in 300 modern institutions – MinRegion’s statistics
In 2018 the ASCs replenished local budgets with UAH 3.4 billion, - MinRegion’s data In 2018 the ASCs replenished local budgets with UAH 3.4 billion, - MinRegion’s data
We have already crossed rubicon of decentralisation, - Hennadii Zubko We have already crossed rubicon of decentralisation, - Hennadii Zubko
MinRegion commented on the Government’s approval of the plan for implementation of the second decentralisation phase MinRegion commented on the Government’s approval of the plan for implementation of the second decentralisation phase
ANNOUNCEMENT! Hennadii Zubko’s press conference to be held on 24 January ANNOUNCEMENT! Hennadii Zubko’s press conference to be held on 24 January
Telemedicine testing will soon begin in rural outpatient clinics of five Ukrainian oblasts Telemedicine testing will soon begin in rural outpatient clinics of five Ukrainian oblasts
Primary rural healthcare goal is to reduce mortality by three nosologies Primary rural healthcare goal is to reduce mortality by three nosologies
Local budgets' own revenues in 2018 exceeded the planned ones Local budgets' own revenues in 2018 exceeded the planned ones
MinRegion developed perspective plan for AHs’ formation on temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk Oblast MinRegion developed perspective plan for AHs’ formation on temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk Oblast
10 newly built outpatient clinics: Kirovohrad Oblast is leader of rural healthcare reform 10 newly built outpatient clinics: Kirovohrad Oblast is leader of rural healthcare reform
State Budget-2019 envisages more than UAH 30 billion for regions’ development State Budget-2019 envisages more than UAH 30 billion for regions’ development
MinRegion assumes elections to AHs may take place simultaneously with the presidential one MinRegion assumes elections to AHs may take place simultaneously with the presidential one
“This is a considerable mandate of trust in decentralisation,”- Vice Prime Minister on the results of elections in AHs “This is a considerable mandate of trust in decentralisation,”- Vice Prime Minister on the results of elections in AHs