14 March 2025
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Верховна Рада України прийняла зміни щодо ДФРР Верховна Рада України прийняла зміни щодо ДФРР
Законопроект про ДФРР в «Дії» прийнятий за основу

Законопроект про ДФРР в «Дії» прийнятий за основу
The State Fund of Regional Development as "the bank" to fund municipality promising initiatives The State Fund of Regional Development as "the bank" to fund municipality promising initiatives
This year 6 ASCs will be financed from the State Fund for Regional Development for the amount of UAH 147 million – a list of ASCs This year 6 ASCs will be financed from the State Fund for Regional Development for the amount of UAH 147 million – a list of ASCs
The reform of the Regional Development State Foundation envisages funding projects according to a new principle, - Denys Shmyhal The reform of the Regional Development State Foundation envisages funding projects according to a new principle, - Denys Shmyhal
The government has allotted 5, 2 billion UAH for the programmes and projects, sponsored by the State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD) The government has allotted 5, 2 billion UAH for the programmes and projects, sponsored by the State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD)
Funded by the State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD), the process of assessing and selecting investment programmes and projects that may be realized being in 2020 has started Funded by the State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD), the process of assessing and selecting investment programmes and projects that may be realized being in 2020 has started
State Fund for regional development:  Minregion has launched a new online platform State Fund for regional development: Minregion has launched a new online platform
By the end of the year, oblasts will complete 435 projects at the expense of SFRD funds. Unused funds will return to state budget By the end of the year, oblasts will complete 435 projects at the expense of SFRD funds. Unused funds will return to state budget
Government introduced changes to the list of projects to be implemented at the expense of State Fund for Regional Development Government introduced changes to the list of projects to be implemented at the expense of State Fund for Regional Development
Changes to the list of projects funded from SFRD this year to be introduced - Alyona Babak Changes to the list of projects funded from SFRD this year to be introduced - Alyona Babak
Without spatial planning funding of projects from SFRD is impossible - Alyona Babak Without spatial planning funding of projects from SFRD is impossible - Alyona Babak
When will project financing from State Regional Development Fund be resumed? - results of Commission Meeting at MinRegion When will project financing from State Regional Development Fund be resumed? - results of Commission Meeting at MinRegion
Government approves first set of investment projects to be financed from SFRD in 2019 Government approves first set of investment projects to be financed from SFRD in 2019
Procedure for selection of projects for UAH 500 million from all-Ukrainian public budget – decision of the Government Procedure for selection of projects for UAH 500 million from all-Ukrainian public budget – decision of the Government